CCC goes beyond permanent below ground geologic storage of captured carbon by delivering liquid carbon dioxide as a usable or saleable commodity. Furthermore, CCC reduces carbon emissions by 95 to 99% with half the cost and energy of competing processes and also eliminates harmful SOx, NOx and mercury pollutants from flue gases.
"Of all these [carbon capture] processes, I regard the CCC process to have the greatest potential." Howard Herzog, MIT Energy Initiative
CCC is a perfect fit with Chart's IPSMR® process technology, brazed aluminum heat exchangers, liquid CO2 storage tanks and transportables providing liquid CO2 for end-use applications.
CCC's 'Energy Storing' implementation also enables highly efficient grid scale energy storage with better use of renewable energy sources that virtually eliminates the parasitic load during peak demand.
CCC is a true bolt-on technology that can be fitted onto existing plants or integrated into new plants for additional energy saving benefits.
SES and partners teamed up to deliver the cement industry's first integrated carbon capture pilot plant and have also conducted successful field demonstrations using natural gas, coal and bio-mass as exhaust gas sources.
The Kathairos™ Solution uses liquid nitrogen to operate pneumatic devices at off-grid oil and gas facilities thereby eliminating methane emissions during routine site venting. Chart's MicroBulk system provides a continuous unattended nitrogen supply. Available for purchse or rental.
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